Quality Improvement (QI) and Quality Assurance (QA) consist of activities that are undertaken to measure the effectiveness of standard accepted processes, programs, or services. QI/QA projects cannot expose individuals to any additional risks. IRB oversight may be required in some NON-research projects, for the protection of participants and/or personal information, and for documentation of support by affiliated organizations and sites.
In contrast, human research consists of a systematic investigation that is designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge, the results of which are to be shared with both individuals associated with and individuals unassociated with the investigation.
IRB Review of QI/QA Projects
All students, staff, and faculty at MSOE planning to conduct quality improvement/quality assurance projects must first register their project with MSOE IRB in order to determine that the project plan is not designed as human subjects research. Log into OneAegis to complete the necessary QI/QA xForm.
Please request a Virtual Office Hour Session for further assistance. Send an email to IRB@msoe.edu to request a session.