A traditional bibliographic database will provide you with the bibliographic citations for articles. The bibliographic citation includes the author, title of the article, title of the journal, volume, issue number, date, and pagination. Sometimes an abstract or summary of the article also appears.
A bibliographic database with full-text content provides you with bibliographic citations and full-text access to articles covered under that database's subscription.
Our databases are set to use 360 Link, a link resolver that provides additional resource discovery. If you find a bibliographic citation that does not include full-text access use 360 to check our other resources. If full-text access is available through another resource you will be directed to it. If it is not available through another resource you will have the option to request the article through interlibrary loan.
Search for journal titles in the Library's Catalog. Print journals are located on the first floor of the library.
A searchable list of all the electronic journals that are available through the library. This list is useful for finding articles within a certain publication. This list can be searched by title, subject, publisher name or by ISSN.
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