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Institutional Repository: Contributing to the Institutional Repository

Contributing to the Institutional Repository

MSOE electronic publication provides the broadest possible method of disseminating your work. With electronic publication, the full text of your electronic thesis, capstone project report, or final independent report or essay is freely accessible world-wide on the Internet. Electronic publication of your document typically results in more recognition of your research work, wider dissemination of scholarly information, and acceleration of research.

The MSOE Library invites MSOE graduate students who have completed an approved master's thesis, capstone project report, or other independent final report or essay to submit their work to the MSOE Institutional Repository. In order to participate, graduate students must complete and submit a Permission Form in order to enable MSOE to electronically publish their work.

Print and fill out the PDF form or submit an electronic form to grant MSOE permission to electronically publish a graduate degree thesis or a graduate degree capstone project report or other independent graduate degree final report or essay.

The copyright of theses, capstone project reports, and final independent master’s reports or essays created by registered MSOE students engaged in projects for required courses is owned by the student authors. Any document that is produced by the collaborative efforts of two or more students is considered to be the joint work of each student, and each student is considered to be a joint author of the paper for copyright purposes. Therefore, each author must complete a permission form.

If you have suggestions for how to make this page better, please contact Elizabeth Jerow, Assistant Library Director (