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Nursing Resources: Guide

Library resources for students of nursing

If you are looking for journal articles, e-books, or other types of scholarly sources, you might consider doing a search in Summon. Or, browse individual databases, listed below, for more targeted searching.

If you're looking for a database that doesn't appear here, consider checking the A-Z Databases list to see all of the library's subscription databases.

Specialized Databases

Video Resources

American Nurses Association eBooks

The MSOE library has direct access to the following American Nurses Association eBooks through our databases:

Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice, 9th Edition

Kirkpatrick's Four Levels of Training Evaluation

Nursing Periodicals

The library carries a number of periodicals relevant to nursing students, including but not limited to:

Nursing Research Tutorial

If you have suggestions for how to make this page better, please contact Elizabeth Jerow, Assistant Library Director (